Sunday 7 October 2012

Test Using Contingency Tables

When data can be tabulated in the table from in terms of frewuencies, several hypothesis can be tested by using the chi-square test. Two such tests are the independence of variables test and the homogenety of proportions test.

Test for Independence
·         The test of independence is used to determine whether 2 variables are independent of or related to each other when a single sample is selected.
·      1.   State the hypotheses
·      2.  Find the degree of freedom
·     3.   Find the expected value
·     4.   Find the test value
·    5.     Find the critical value
·    6.     Make a decision
·     7.   Summarize

Test for homogenety of proportions
·         It is used ti determine whether the proportions for variables are equal when several samples are selected from different populations.
·        1.  State the hypotheses
·         2. Find the critical value
·      3.   Find the test value
·       4.   Make a decision
·       5.   Summarize


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