Friday 26 October 2012

                                              Mobile/Smartphone statistics
  • Mobile now accounts for 10% of internet usage worldwide (this has more than doubled over last 18months)
  • 1.08 of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones are smartphones
  • Apple and Android represent more than 75% of the smartphone market
  • 7.96% of all web traffic in the U.S. is mobile traffic. That number skyrockets to 14.85% in Africa, and 17.84% in Asia — up 192.5% since 2010
  • 29% of mobile users are open to scanning a mobile tag to get coupons
  • 39% of instances where a consumer walks out of a store without buying were influenced by smartphones
  • 91% of mobile internet access is for social activities, versus just 79% on desktops 
  • Over 1/3 of Facebook’s users access Facebook Mobile; 50% of Twitter’s users use Twitter Mobile
  • QR code scans increased 300% in 2011 compared to 2010
  • The average tablet user spends 13.9 hours per week with the device
  • 73% of smartphone owners access social networks through apps at least once per day 
  • There was 103% growth in website traffic from smartphones from 2011-2012
  • US consumers spend almost 1 in every 10 ecommerce dollars using a mobile device 
  • There are currently 6 Billion mobile subscribers worldwide
  • This equals 87% of the world’s population
  • China and India account for 30% of this growth
  • There are over 1.2 Billion people accessing the web from their mobiles
  • Over 300,000 apps have been developed in the past 3 year
  • Google earns 2.5 Billion in mobile ad revenue annually


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