Monday 29 October 2012

Test for Independence

Test Using Contingency Tables
When data can be tabulated in the table from in terms of frewuencies, several hypothesis can be tested by using the chi-square test. Two such tests are the independence of variables test and the homogenety of proportions test.

·         The test of independence is used to determine wether 2 variables are independent of or related to each other when a single sample is selected.
·         State the hypotheses
·         Find the degree of freedom
·         Find the expected value
·         Find the test value
·         Find the critical value
·         Make a decision
·         Summarize

Test for homogenety of proportions
·         It is used ti determine wether the proportions for variables are equal when several samples are selected from different populations.
·         State the hypotheses
·         Find the critical value
·         Find the test value
·         Make a decision
·         Summarize

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