Wednesday 24 October 2012

Difference Between Means
Hypothesis Testing of the Difference Between Two Means
Do employees perform better at work with music playing.  The music was turned on during the working hours of a business with 45 employees.  There productivity level averaged 5.2 with a standard deviation of 2.4.  On a different day the music was turned off and there were 40 workers.  The workers' productivity level averaged 4.8 with a standard deviation of 1.2.  What can we conclude at the .05 level?
We first develop the hypotheses
        H0 m1 - m2  =  0       
        H1 m1 - m2  >  0
Next we need to find the standard deviation.  Recall from before, we had that the mean of the difference is 
        mx  =  m1 - m2 
and the standard deviation is 
 sx  =      

We can substitute the sample means and sample standard deviations for a point estimate of the population means and standard deviations.  We have

Now we can calculate the t-score.  We have
        t  =                       =  0.988

To calculate the degrees of freedom, we can take the smaller of the two numbers n1 - 1 and n2 - 1.  So in this example we use 39 degrees of freedom.  The t-table gives a value of 1.690 for the t.95 value.  Notice that 0.988 is still smaller than 1.690 and the result is the same.  Since the t-score is smaller than 1.690, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and state that there is insufficient evidence to make a conclusion about employees performing better at work with music playing. 


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