Monday 29 October 2012

Analysis of Variance

1-way ANOVA
-          Analysis of variance is used to compare 3 0r more means w/c contains only 1 variable.
2-way ANOVA
-          ANOVA that involves 2 variables.
Reasons why the T-test should not be used on 3 or more populations
1.       When 1 is comparing 2 means at a time, the means of the rest of the study are ignored. W/ F-test, all the means are tested simultaneously.
2.       When 1 is comparing 2 means at a time, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true increased, since more T-tests are conducted, the greater is the likelihood of getting significant differences by chance alone.
3.       The more means are to compare, 3 the mote T-tests are needed.
Assumptions for the F-test in comparing three of more means
1.       The populations in w/c the samples were obtained must be normally distributed or approximately normally distributed.
2.       The sample must be independent for each.
3.       Te variances of the population must be equal.
With the f-test, 2 different estimates of the population variances are made. The 1st estimate is called the between group variance or mean square of the between group that involves finding the variance of the means. The 2nd estimate, the w/in group variance or mean square of the w/in group. This is made by computing all the variances using the data and is not affected by the difference of the means.
No difference in the means.
·         The between group variance estimate is approximately equal to the w/in group variance.
·         F-test value will be approximately equal to 1.
·         The null hypothesis will not be rejected.
Means differ significantly.
·         The between group variance is much larger than the w/in group variance.
·         F-test will be significantly greater then 1.
·         The null hypothesis will be rejected.

Test for Independence

Test Using Contingency Tables
When data can be tabulated in the table from in terms of frewuencies, several hypothesis can be tested by using the chi-square test. Two such tests are the independence of variables test and the homogenety of proportions test.

·         The test of independence is used to determine wether 2 variables are independent of or related to each other when a single sample is selected.
·         State the hypotheses
·         Find the degree of freedom
·         Find the expected value
·         Find the test value
·         Find the critical value
·         Make a decision
·         Summarize

Test for homogenety of proportions
·         It is used ti determine wether the proportions for variables are equal when several samples are selected from different populations.
·         State the hypotheses
·         Find the critical value
·         Find the test value
·         Make a decision
·         Summarize

Friday 26 October 2012

                                              Mobile/Smartphone statistics
  • Mobile now accounts for 10% of internet usage worldwide (this has more than doubled over last 18months)
  • 1.08 of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones are smartphones
  • Apple and Android represent more than 75% of the smartphone market
  • 7.96% of all web traffic in the U.S. is mobile traffic. That number skyrockets to 14.85% in Africa, and 17.84% in Asia — up 192.5% since 2010
  • 29% of mobile users are open to scanning a mobile tag to get coupons
  • 39% of instances where a consumer walks out of a store without buying were influenced by smartphones
  • 91% of mobile internet access is for social activities, versus just 79% on desktops 
  • Over 1/3 of Facebook’s users access Facebook Mobile; 50% of Twitter’s users use Twitter Mobile
  • QR code scans increased 300% in 2011 compared to 2010
  • The average tablet user spends 13.9 hours per week with the device
  • 73% of smartphone owners access social networks through apps at least once per day 
  • There was 103% growth in website traffic from smartphones from 2011-2012
  • US consumers spend almost 1 in every 10 ecommerce dollars using a mobile device 
  • There are currently 6 Billion mobile subscribers worldwide
  • This equals 87% of the world’s population
  • China and India account for 30% of this growth
  • There are over 1.2 Billion people accessing the web from their mobiles
  • Over 300,000 apps have been developed in the past 3 year
  • Google earns 2.5 Billion in mobile ad revenue annually


Wednesday 24 October 2012

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models, and their associated procedures, in which the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation. In its simplest form, ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are all equal, and therefore generalizes t-test to more than two groups. Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased chance of committing a type I error. For this reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing two, three, or more means.


Difference Between Means
Hypothesis Testing of the Difference Between Two Means
Do employees perform better at work with music playing.  The music was turned on during the working hours of a business with 45 employees.  There productivity level averaged 5.2 with a standard deviation of 2.4.  On a different day the music was turned off and there were 40 workers.  The workers' productivity level averaged 4.8 with a standard deviation of 1.2.  What can we conclude at the .05 level?
We first develop the hypotheses
        H0 m1 - m2  =  0       
        H1 m1 - m2  >  0
Next we need to find the standard deviation.  Recall from before, we had that the mean of the difference is 
        mx  =  m1 - m2 
and the standard deviation is 
 sx  =      

We can substitute the sample means and sample standard deviations for a point estimate of the population means and standard deviations.  We have

Now we can calculate the t-score.  We have
        t  =                       =  0.988

To calculate the degrees of freedom, we can take the smaller of the two numbers n1 - 1 and n2 - 1.  So in this example we use 39 degrees of freedom.  The t-table gives a value of 1.690 for the t.95 value.  Notice that 0.988 is still smaller than 1.690 and the result is the same.  Since the t-score is smaller than 1.690, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and state that there is insufficient evidence to make a conclusion about employees performing better at work with music playing. 


Tuesday 23 October 2012

                                       ANOVA for simple linear regression

• Total sum of squared deviations is divided into model (regression) and error
(residual) sums of squares

• Their ratio is the coefficient of determination R2

• These are each divided by their degrees of freedom to obtain the mean SS

• Their ratio is distributed as F and can be tested for significance

                                         Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

• Partition the total variance in a population into the model and residual

• If the model has more than one term, also partition the model variance into
components due to each term

• Can be applied to any linear additive design specified by a model

• Each component can be tested for signficance vs. the null hypothesis that it
does not contribute to the model fit
